After finishing this first week of assignments, I believe I was able to grasp onto a good feel of how the rest of this semester will go. My first impressions of the course is that it requires a lot of reading and takes a lot of time but that (so far) the things I will be reading are interesting or eye opening. The assignment I am most intrigued by would be the storytelling assignment where I can write my own story about whatever I feel like during the week. I used to keep a journal when I was younger and blab about my day or just make up short stories in my head so this will be kind of fun for me to get back into that routine. Some extra credit opportunities that intrigue me are more on the growth mindset subject and the "famous last words." I feel like I could really expand on those topics. This class is different from a lot of the past online classes I have taken because I do feel like I have more freedom? There is more workload in my opinion but I feel like the possibilities I can do with that workload are endless. I just hope it isn't too much for me to keep track of and I fall behind.
(Personal Photo of Benji) |
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